Our purpose is to improve quality of life for the people and communities we serve by maximising access to health and wellbeing services. Our mission is to deliver innovative high quality services that are client-centred, collaborative, coordinated and demonstrate value through measured impact.
We work with anyone who requires our services, regardless of circumstances, or ability to pay. We prioritise access to those who face obstacles to getting health services tailored to their needs. Through a single point of contact, you can connect to a full spectrum of care and support using consistent approaches.
Our Aboriginal Health Team can assist all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages. We help and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people prevent and better manage their chronic health conditions. We can help you access a wide range of health and community services, in a culturally supportive way.
The Aboriginal Community Lounge is a culturally safe ‘drop in’ space for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families. Located at the IPC Health, Wyndham Vale campus, the Lounge is available Monday – Friday, during office hours. Contact the Aboriginal Health team for more information.
Download our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health brochure here.
How do I get an appointment? Contact the Aboriginal Health Team on 1300 472 432
Is there a fee? If you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, working with our Aboriginal Health Team is free. We may refer you to other IPC Health services which may have a fee but you will be prioritised.
Bulk Billing Doctor (GP) & reduced pharmaceutical costs
We are registered for the Closing the Gap scheme that caters for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients who are over 15 years and have a chronic illness. Anyone who identifies as either can be registered under the scheme for the PBS Co-payment. Book an appointment online here.
Why should I identify? We care about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ identity. When you share your identity with us, this helps us know how to prioritise your health care in a culturally supportive way.
Services include:
- For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People aged 50 and over, IPC Health is a registered provider for My Aged Care services including physiotherapy, podiatry, occupational therapy, dietetics, speech therapy
- Dental and Optometry
- Counselling and Living Well sessions for people 18+ wanting to get motivated and organised to improve health, mood and enjoyment of life
- Cardiac Rehabilitation and a Diabetic Nurse Educator
- Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment
See our full range of services and locations here.
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccinations: All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 12+ can access a COVID-19 vaccine. Call our dedicated line on 7037 2108 (Monday to Friday during business hours) to make a booking.
Aboriginal Health team:
Alex Rojas, Care Coordinator Aboriginal Health
E: Alex.Rojas@ipchealth.com.au
M: 0428 487 456
Lisa Saunders, Aboriginal Outreach Worker
E: Lisa.Saunders@ipchealth.com.au
M: 0491 089 069
Leehann Watt, Community Development Officer
E: Leehann.Watt@ipchealth.com.au
M: 0490 794 923
Nicole Callen, Social & Emotional Wellbeing Officer
E: Nicole.Callen@ipchealth.com.au
M: 0493 686 909
Wyndham Vale Super Clinic
510 Ballan Road, Wyndham Vale, Victoria, 3024
T: 1300 472 432
Monday to Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
106 Station Rd Deer Park
Monday 8:30am – 7:30pm
Tuesday to Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am – 11:00am
After hours service: Call 137 425
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccinations
T: 7037 2108
E: Covid.vaccinations@ipchealth.com.au
Gamblers’ Help
E: gamblershelp@ipchealth.com.au
T: 9296 1234