Promote the health and developmental outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 0-8 in the City of Melton and Moorabool Shire.  We work in partnership with child health, early learning and family service agencies to enable families to experience integrated support.

Babaneek Booboop Early Years Project
  • Links pregnant women to antenatal care, maternity and breastfeeding support services.
  • Supports children & families in attending local Maternal and Child Health Key Ages and Stages and Close the Gap Health Checks, immunisation and Paediatric assessments.
  • Provides antenatal support to pregnant mothers. Links children and families to other support services.
  • Assists parents/carers with enrolments and support for children to engage in Playgroups, Kindergarten and School

We can also provide referral to

  • a Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) if needing support with learning or concerns with Kindergarten or school engagement.
  • children’s Allied Health services such as Speech Therapy, Dental, Occupational Therapy, Hearing checks, Dietetics and Paediatric services.
  • NDIS Early Childhood Approach (NDIS ECEI) Engagement with learning
  • Cultural connection and link children and families with local Aboriginal organisations and cultural events/activities.

The Babaneek Booboop Program is funded by the Department of Health and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

The program is led and managed by Western Health Melton.

Melton Health and Community Services (Yellow Building) 195-209 Barries Rd Melton West (Western Health Melton Campus)

Charry Owens, Project Leader Babaneek Booboop Early Years Project

T: 8746 1511   M: 0437 919 819   E: CharryO@wh.org.au

Annie Sowter, Aboriginal Pathway Worker

M: 0438 454 108   E: Annie.Sowter@wh.org.au (Work days: Mon -Fri)

Tracey Robinson, Aboriginal Pathway Worker

M: 0417 307 894   E: Tracey.Robinson@wh.org.au

Phone Number:   8746 1511