Kirrip Aboriginal Corporation is a safe place for community to connect socially and culturally, to celebrate culture, and to promote self-determination and healing.
Kirrip aims to provide opportunities for the Aboriginal Community to participate in cultural and social activities which promote social and emotional wellbeing with Aboriginal Elders, men, women, youth, children and families.
Kirrip provides services in a culturally safe and appropriate environment and continues to reflect and affirm Aboriginal cultural qualities in all programs.
- Kirrip Aboriginal Elders / Respected Persons Group is a place where Aboriginal Elders and respected persons can come together to enjoy a cup of tea, have a yarn with no kids or interruptions – just Aboriginal Elders space, for those aged 45 +. Weekly on Tuesdays with a light lunch provided. Bookings essential.
- The Men’s Program is for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Men aged 18 years+. Non-Indigenous partners & fathers of Indigenous children also welcome. Location varies, details provided as the dates approach. Every second Wed. at 5pm.
- Study Buddies Homework Help every Monday after school until 5.30pm.
- Youth Program with Kirrip and Edmund Rice Services is a weekly cultural program for Aboriginal Youth aged 6 – 17 years old. Tuesday afternoons 4:30pm – 6pm @ Mt Atkinson Community Centre 121-179 Greigs Road Truganina.
Kirrip provides an emergency relief & Foodbank Packages service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Bookings are made on a Monday and parcels are strictly for pick up on a Wednesday.
Kirrip is also an entry point for services for Aboriginal people to access
- crisis accommodation
- Walk’nYarn’n family support & counselling,
- financial counselling and
- justice legal support.
Kirrip supports people with matters including family reunification, stolen generations and cultural identity.
26 Exford Road, Melton South
Andrew McDermott,
Local Aboriginal Justice Worker For the Western Metropolitan Region.
M: 0431 445 122 / 0412 988 901
Amielia Wall, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Housing Officer.
M: 0473 583 662 E:
Mon – Fri: 9am – 4pm