cohealth aim to improve health and wellbeing for all and tackle inequality, in partnership with people and the communities they live in.

We build relationships with local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities to better understand their needs and to make sure services are accessible, safe & welcoming.


cohealth – health and support services for you

cohealth is a not-for-profit community health organisation. We provide essential health and support services in Melbourne’s CBD, and northern and western suburbs. Everyone is welcome at cohealth.

We work with communities to ensure our services are appropriate, accessible, safe and welcoming.


cohealth provides a range of services, such as:

  • doctors and nurses
  • dental and oral health
  • allied health, like physio, paediatrics (for kids); and podiatry (sore feet), optometry (for eyes)
  • mental health and counselling
  • diabetes education
  • homelessness support
  • alcohol and drug support
  • women’s health services
  • disability services
  • aged care support
  • out of home care children’s clinic
  • food, recreation activities and community arts programs.


As a community health organisation cohealth aims to provide services at little or no cost.  For more information, refer to our fees and costs.


For a detailed list our locations in the CBD, west and north, go to the cohealth website.


Book an appointment

If you would like more information on how to book an appointment at cohealth, visit our services.


Contact Information

Please visit our contact information for a list of direct numbers for doctor, dental allied health and after hours.