A First Nations organisation, with a First Nations approach to creating change for future generations


Children’s Ground’s Truth Telling Workshops
  • First Nations people across Australia have self-determination and enjoy social, cultural, political and economic justice.
  • Our next generation of children know and celebrate their culture and identity, have freedom of choice and expression and can live with opportunity, peace, harmony and wellbeing.
  • Australians recognise our shared history and celebrate First Nations culture and strength.

Children’s Ground’s Truth Telling Workshops provide a space to have the hard conversations about the true history of our country. We discuss the impact of colonisation, discrimination and racism on First Nations people, while also celebrating their resistance, strength and survival.

Participants will engage in multiple interactive, group exercises that highlight the richness of First Nations culture, history, language and knowledge systems in Australia which have been practiced for over 65,000 years.

Why book a Truth Telling Workshop

  • Build a deeper understanding of our history
  • Deliver broader context around First Nations People
  • Create allyship
  • Move beyond ‘cultural awareness,’ to knowing our shared history, and learning about the truth of this country
  • Bring your RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) to life

For more information or to book a workshop contact: lisa.grieve@childrensground.org.au