VACSAL Aboriginal Best Start is proud to be part of the Darebin Best Start Aboriginal Reference Group, who have worked together to develop resources for mob, known as “Nugal Murrup Buladu” – “Belong, Spirit, Grow”. These resources include links to culturally appropriate information, posters, cards & videos for Aboriginal families and carers of Aboriginal children
1. Early Start Kindergarten
2. Transition to School
3. Supports for Children with Diverse Learning Needs
This video series provide key information through the lived experience of community members to support parents and carers to know who to reach out for support and guidance.
Check out the full list of Nugal Murrup Buladu – resources for families HERE.
Synopsis: Nugal Murrup Buladu belong spirit grow - Tips for you and your child to guide their early years education journey.
Year release: 2022
Running time N/A