Photo credit to Balim Balim Kindergarten
Balim Balim Kindergarten
Balim Balim Kindergarten is operated by One Tree Community Services in the Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre
We share the vision to recognise and celebrate Aboriginal culture and history to create a culturally safe space where people of all ages and cultures are welcome to gather. Balim Balim provides a high-quality kindergarten program for all local children and families.
All Aboriginal children are entitled to two years of free kindergarten.
To enrol your child, register your interest with Wyndham City Council on this form. Once you have received confirmation of placement from Wyndham City Council, you can then enrol with One Tree here.
If you would like any further information, please contact our Enrolments Team:
- Call: 1800 919 995
- Email:
Or contact Balim Balim at
- Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre, via Cortland St, Wyndham Vale, VIC 3024
- Phone: 9112 7270
- Mobile: 0477 677 767
- Email: