Therapeutic Specialist

  • Position: Ongoing Full Time
  • Salary: SCHADS 6.1 – 6.3 ($102,546.08 to $107,074.24) plus super-based on qualifications and experience

The Therapeutic Specialist in this environment needs to be prepared to work creatively and responsively; working with the most injured children and young people in our community requires a level of courage and commitment. The Therapeutic Specialist is the key driver of therapeutic practice and a trauma-informed approach; the anchor that holds and guides each staff member to work in a way that is consistent, kind, sensitive, knowledgeable, flexible and attuned. The TS has a key role in working with each team and the unique mix of young people they are caring for to ensure that the young people receive attuned, trauma-informed care at all times. The Therapeutic Specialist gets to know the young people – building a relationship with them in the home. The Therapeutic Specialist gets to know and build a relationship with the staffing group – through team meetings, reflective practice and other forums such as red flag meetings and care team meetings.